Establishment Reasoning

According to the founding text of the Department of Applied Informatics, graduates of the Department should combine (a) computer system knowledge, and (b) communication and networking system knowledge. Therefore, the Department offers a significant number of undergraduate courses in computer, communication and network systems.

In order to support undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Department, as well as their respective faculty members, a corresponding laboratory is required. In addition, the region in which the Department of Applied Informatics, Central Macedonia, is based, has shown that it bases much of its economic growth on innovative products and services, most of which relate to the area of ​​computer, communications and networks. Through research programs, seminars and conferences, undergraduate and postgraduate theses, the lab will serve both daily teaching practice and link to research, enabling teachers, teachers and computer systems to monitor developments in the field of computers, communications and networks. researchers active in the wider geographical area of ​​Central Macedonia.

The social necessity of the laboratory is explained as follows. As studies in the European Union have shown, the easiest way to develop a financially tested area is to invest heavily in Information and Communication Technologies, which can deliver results very quickly. The establishment of the laboratory serves the valuable social purpose of activating the research and development potential of the area and its immediate link to information that will best serve information on cutting-edge technological issues. The lack of such laboratory facilities in the area makes it imperative to establish a modern research hub, which will work with relevant agencies in the country and keep the region’s executives up-to-date.