
The purpose of the laboratory is to carry out basic and applied research in the field of computer, communication and network systems. In particular, its members will be researching for the techniques and methodologies for designing, developing and controlling computer systems, communications and networks.

The laboratory is located in a specially designed area of ​​the Department of Applied Informatics, and its mission comprises:

a. Undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate level teaching and research needs of the Department of Applied Informatics and other departments of the University of Macedonia on subjects falling within the scope of the laboratory activity,

b. Researching issues related to the design, development and use of computer, communications and network systems.

c. Promoting the use of Information and Communication Technologies in all areas of human activity,

d. Improving Computer, Communication and Networking syllabuses at all levels of education,

e. Supervising undergraduate and postgraduate theses related to its activities, as well as supervising the preparation of doctoral theses in the cognitive area of ​​the laboratory as well as in related cognitive areas,

f. The creation of a series of publications related to its activities and the publication of a journal,

g. Cooperation with laboratories, research centers and national and foreign academic institutions on issues of common interest;

h. Organizing scientific lectures, seminars, seminars, symposia, conferences and other scientific events, as well as inviting Greek and foreign scholars on issues related to their interests and activities, and

i. The provision of services to individuals as provided in PD. 159/1984 “Conditions for the provision of services by University laboratories to individuals and to any legal form” (Government Gazette 53A / 1984).

However, in addition to its purely scientific and research purposes, the computer, communications and networking lab will make a significant contribution to the economic development of the region. The establishment of the laboratory serves the valuable social purpose of activating the research and educational potential of the area and its immediate link to information that will best serve information on cutting-edge technological issues. The lack of such laboratory facilities makes it imperative to establish a modern research hub, which will cooperate with relevant national agencies and keep the scientific and technological staff of the area informed and researched.

The Department of Applied Informatics of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the University of Macedonia has human resources with high level theoretical training and extensive research and professional activity in the fields of activity. At the same time, it is supported by the necessary logistical infrastructure for conducting research and teaching in order to effectively accomplish its objectives. Finally, the extensive and dynamic networking of the Lab with other members of the academic and business community offers the extroversion that will allow it to disseminate its research results and exploit them to business and other academic audiences.